Red Bean Pau/Bao

Red Bean Pau/Bao

Pau/Bao is a type of yeast, filled bun in traditional Chinese cuisine that is smooth and silky. There are many variations in fillings,sweet and savoury.  Today I'll be showing you how to make the sweet version.
Growing up in a small town with a mixed race community, we were well accustomed to different kinds of cuisines. I was exposed to all types of foods but one of my favourites was the pau/bao especially the ones with a red bean filling. The sweetness from the red bean is just exceptional as it is not too sweet and compliments the texture of the bun perfectly.
I even had pao/bao every day when we were holidaying  in Japan. To this day it remains a favourite snack of mine. This is how I made it.


•300g pou flour

•3g  baking powder

•3g instant yeast

•30g soft granulated sugar

•160ml cold milk

•15g vegetable oil 

•1/2 tsp salt

•parchment paper


•store bought red bean paste


1. Sieve pao flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl. Add sugar and yeast. Mix well.

2. Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture. Add in cold milk,oil and salt. Mix to form a dough
(different types of flour or room temperature require different amount of liquids so adjust accordingly)

3. Transfer the dough to a work surface and continue kneading for another 25 minutes or until dough becomes smooth and silky. This can also be done with a stand mixer. 

4. Form the dough into a big smooth ball and leave to rest in a lightly greased bowl, covered with cling wrap until the dough doubles in size.

5. Punch down the dough, knead lightly to release the trap air bubbles

6. Divide the dough into 50g balls. Flatten each dough ball into a small disk with rolling pin or fingers.

7. Make the edges thinner and the centre portion thicker

8. Place the red bean filling (30g) and seal 

9. Shape the dough a little taller or almost like an egg. The reason being during the proofing, the dough will expand outwards and give perfect round shaped buns.

10. Place the shaped dough onto the pre cut pou paper or parchment paper.

11. Leave them 1 inch apart, cover and let it proof till doubled in size.

12. Carefully transfer the dough to a pre-boiled steamer with the lid wrapped with a cloth. Steam for about 15 minutes on medium heat. After steaming, turn off the heat. (Do not open the lid of the steamer). 

13. Let the buns rest in the steamer for about 5 minutes(so your steam buns won't collapse and shrink due to the sudden change in temperature)
Remove the buns and let them rest on a wire rack.

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