Curry Laksa / Mee Curry

Curry Laksa / Mee Curry There is nothing more satisfying then digging my chopsticks into a big bowl of Curry Laksa . As a noodle lover, I could eat Curry Laksa everyday, all day. The blend of spices and heat from the chilies together with the coconut milk make this dish creamy and delicious. My mouth is literally watering as I type this out. That's how much I love this dish. There are many version of Curry Laksa. You can use your favorite noodle in this recipe such as yellow noddle, bee hoon ( rice vermicelli) wonton, pan mee, soba, spaghetti or a combination of yellow noodles and bee hoon . For the broth, I'm using knorr brand chicken cube ( no msg added). It helps to save prep time. But you can also make your own chicken stock from scratch . Either one will work. The consistency of the broth can be adjusted by the amount of coconut milk used. I also topped the broth with long beans, shredded chicken, fish balls, fish cakes, boiled eggs and kalamansi...