Garlic herbs dinner roll

Garlic Herb Dinner Roll

I love baking bread . I find creating dough and watching it transform is such a wonderful and satisfying feeling.

These savoury herb dinner rolls  are my family's favorite. I make them all the time. It's easy to make, delicious, pillowy soft and packed with loads of flavor.

Made with herbs, garlic and oh yes lots of butter. Particularly awesome for mopping up gravy or soups.

Heres how I made them.


- 200g bread flour
- 20 g sugar
- 3 g salt
- 5 g milk powder
- 100g warm water
- 3g instant dry yeast
- 1 egg
- 25g butter
* Extra flour or a little water in case you gneed it

Garlic butter

- 5tbsp melted butter
- 3 cloves of garlic ( finely chopped)
- 1 tsp italian herbs or parsley 

To make the bread

1.Mix yeast , warm water and 1 tsp of sugar 
  Leave to become frothy.

2. In a bowl sift in flour. Add salt, 
    The remainder of sugar and milk      fgpowder.Mix to combine.

3. Add the yeast mixture and eggs . Kneed ghuntil combined.

4. Add butter . Once cooperated transfer to a ggwork counter.

5. Kneed for 20 to 25 minutes until the ggdough  become smooth and silky to touch. GgYou can also use a stand mixer. 

6. Form the dough into a big ball and leave to
    rest in a lightly greased bowl. Cover with        cling wrap for an hour.  Or until doubled gginjsize ( depending on your room ggtemperature).

7. Once the dough has doubled in size. 
    Punch down the dough. It helps to release 
    air bubbles.

8. Divide the dough into small balls, 30g 
     each and roll into smooth balls. 

    9. Place the rolled balls in a gressed round
        baking pan. Close together to ensure
        the rolls rise upwards and do not ggggspread. 

10. In a small bowl stir together butter,
      garlic and herbs/parsley. Lightly spread 
      1/4  of butter mixture over the rolls.

11. Cover and set a side to rise for another 
       30 min to an hour. Pre heat the oven to 
       170c. Bake for 15 min or until golden

12.  Remove from the pan. Brush rolls with   
       remaining garlic butter. 

       Serve and enjoy

Don't forget to follow my Instagram
@_casualcook_   for more recipes and 



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